A Focus on Child
Capturing the key aspects of child development in 3-5 year olds that predict future capabilities.

See what we have achieved
The eHCI has been developed with a view to capturing the key aspects of child development in 3-5-year-olds that predict future capabilities.
It is not a developmental milestone test, but is a measure of where a child can be placed on a developmental spectrum.
As such the eHCI can determine if a child is thriving or doing poorly on different aspects of development, and can detect developmental change over time.
Download the Tool
The eHCI is an easy-to-use survey tool that can be completed by parents/caregivers, child care workers, teachers, allied health and other health or early childhood practitioners. It is made up of 60 questions; 58 which require either a yes/no or can already/can’t yet response, and 2 which require the child’s height and weight to be recorded.
Simply download and print the eHCI, by the following country-specific PDF links.
Simply download and print the eHCI, by the following country-specific PDF links.

Contact Us
Do you have a new version or translation of the tool, or new research and data produced from it? Submit it here for the whole community to access.