Access eHCI Resources for Child Development
Access eHCI resources to explore practical case studies, reports, and research on early childhood development. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or healthcare worker, these resources offer clear insights into how children grow in different cultures. Download easy-to-understand reports and papers to help guide decisions and support children’s development.
Case Studies
Academic Papers
- Measuring early child development in low and middle income countries: Investigating the validity of the early Human Capability Index
- Measuring early childhood development in multiple contexts: the internal factor structure and reliability of the early Human Capability Index in seven low and middle income countries
- Measuring early childhood development with The Early Human Capability Index (eHCI): a reliability and validity study in China
- Siblings and Early Childhood Development: Evidence from a Population-Based Cohort in Preschoolers from Shanghai
- Assessing the Inequality of Early Child Development in China – A Population-Based Study
- Overcoming challenges in measuring early childhood development across cultures
- Early Childhood Development in Tonga: Baseline Results from the Tongan Early Human Capability Index
- How are Tongan Children Developing? Results from the Second National Census and Policy Recommendations for Better Child Development in Tonga
- Early Childhood Development in Samoa: Baseline Results from the Samoan Early Human Capability Index
- The Status of Early Childhood Health and Development in Kiribati: Results from a Population Wide Census
- How are Tuvalu’s children developing Evidence-based policy recommendations for better early childhood development of Tuvaluan children (English)
- Early childhood development project to build Tajikistan’s human capital (ECDP)
- Monitoring Children’s Development at Scale in Yunnan Province Using the Early Human Capability Index – a Psychometric Analysis : Early Childhood Education Quality Deep Dive in Yunnan, China (English)
- Implementing and Evaluating Interventions to Improve School Readiness and Early Literacy. World Bank
- Pedagogy versus School Readiness: The Impact of a Randomized Reading Instruction Intervention and Community-Based Playgroup Intervention on Early Grade Reading Outcomes in Tonga. WPS7944. World Bank
- The Status of Early Childhood Health and Development in Northern Lao PDF
- Lao People’s Democratic Republic – Early Childhood Education Project: snapshot one – project background and baseline data demographics (English)
- Lao People’s Democratic Republic – Early Childhood Education Project: snapshot two – child health and nutrition (English)
- Lao PDR early childhood education project: snapshot three – child development (English)
- Lao PDR early childhood education project: snapshot four – services and facilities (English)
Conference Presentations
Early Human Capability Index: Mapping the Learning Gap Within and Between Countries
Concept Notes
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